Building a Global Network of National Councils for Sustainable Development (NCSDs)

17 June 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The purpose of the conference is to underline the importance of NCSDs, explore how they can play a leading role in the implementation of Rio+20 outcomes and initiatives, and encourage new sustainable development bodies to participate in the network. The conference will also seek to further discuss the purpose and modalities of the network itself, providing a space for participants to input their recommendations on the creation of a guiding Charter of Principles.

 Speakers and panellists:

  • Derek Osborn, President of Stakeholder Forum/Co-Chair of Rio+5 (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Thompson, Rio+20 Executive Coordinator
  • Peter Davies, Welsh Commissioner for Sustainable Futures
  • Marlehn Thieme, Chair, German Council for Sustainable Development
  • Representatives from Philippine Council for Sustainable Development and Government of Argentina (TBC)
  • Annika Lindblom - Senior Advisor, Ministry of the Environment, Finland; Deputy Secretary General, Finland's National Commission on Sustainable Development
  • Ingeborg Niestroy - Secretary General of the network of European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils
  • Ella Antonio, President, Earth Council Asia-Pacific
  • Simon Hoiberg Olsen, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan
  • Farooq Ullah, Executive Director Designate, Stakeholder Forum
 The outputs of the conference include:
  • Strengthening the Global NCSDs Network by providing a platform for members to share information and best practices to improve the effectiveness of Councils within the countries which they operate;
  • Framing the purpose and modalities of the Global NCSDs Network,
  • Communicating the Global NCSDs Network and its functions, introducing the initiative to new organisations and individuals;
  • Implementing the outcomes of Rio+20 by exploring the role NCSDs can play in this respect, and discuss the role the Global NCSDs Network can play to support these efforts