Czech Republic Government Council for Sustainable Development

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CR Government Council on Sustainable Development (CGCSD)

Ministerstvo životního prostředí České republiky

Vršovická 65, 100 10 Praha 10 - Vršovice, Czech Republic



Mission Statement

‘The proposal to establish the Council originated from the need to create a body that would deal with the issue of sustainable development on a systematic and long-term basis, serve as an umbrella for the present efforts promoting sustainable development, and efficiently coordinate all related activities.’ 

Role and Functions

  • advising on government policy or making policy recommendations, including NSDS; and
  • stakeholder engagement.

Recent Activities

The Council has the main coordinating role for the NSDS and for updating and monitoring progress. In 2010 the Government adopted an updated NSDS under the title "Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic".

Progress Reports are made under the auspices of the Council with the objective to map the achievement of goals and inform both politicians and the public of the state and development of the Czech Republic with respect to SD..

In 2006, the Council started a more intensive dialogue with leaders of the business community.

The Council’s public communication activities follow themes:

  • 2007: ’Sustainable and Safe Transport’;
  • 2008-2009: 'Sustainable Energy';
  • 2010 'Public Health'; and
  • 2011/12 (last update October 2011): 'Sustainable Consumption and Production'.

The Council also annually prepares the ‘Sustainable Development Forum’, which aims to facilitate broad public discussion and access of the public to information on SD topics.

Composition and Membership

The Council was established by Government Resolution in 2003.

Chair: The Prime Minister (Statutory Chairman) with the chairmanship delegated to the Deputy Prime Minister or Minster of the Environment (Mr Pavel Drobil) (Executive Vice-Chairman).

Secretary to the Council: Jaroslav Blažek.

The Council consists of representatives from government, local authorities and ‘all major groups of society’ including NGOs and academics, and is considered the main platform for public participation in SD. In cooperation with the Committee on the NSDS, the Council facilitates public discussion by organising public hearings, thematic workshops, national stakeholder forums, email-based discussions, information campaigns, etc. The Council also annually prepares the ‘Sustainable Development Forum’, which aims to facilitate broad public discussion and access of the public to information on SD topics.